Corporate Governance Committee:
Corporate Governance Committee has been constituted in order to fulfill duties and responsibilities of Board of Directors properly. Corporate Governance is a management process committed to ethical values, responsible for insiders and outsiders, having risk awareness, being transparent and responsible in its resolutions and protecting interests of its stakeholders and targeting sustainable success in compliance with the Corporate Governance Principles of Aksigorta A.Ş. as determined by CMB.+ The purpose of Corporate Governance Committee is to make suggestions for Board of Directors of Aksigorta A.Ş. in order to ensure the compliance of the Corporate Governance Principles of Aksigorta A.Ş. with the Corporate Governance Principles as determined by CMB and other internationally accepted Corporate Governance Principles, and to make advices in order for realization and implementation of such principles, to follow-up compliance of the Company with such principles and to make the improvement studies in these subjects. Nominating Commitee and Remuneration Commitee tasks are carried out by de Corporate Governance Committee.